
ITables is a wrapper for the datatables-net Javascript library, for Python. That library is developped by SpryMedia and made available under a MIT license. It has an extensive documentation, as well as a large set of examples.

ITables and its alternatives#

Jupyter Widgets#

In Jupyter or VS Code, ITables can render your dataframes using either HTML (with init_notebook_mode(all_interactive=True) or show) or the ITable widget.

Other Jupyter widgets that let you render a dataframe in Jupyter are

Dash component#

Since ITables v2.3.0 you can use our ITable component in Dash applications.

Alternatives for rendering DataFrames in Dash are


In ITables v2.1.0 we added the interactive_table component that can be used in Streamlit applications.

Alternative for rendering DataFrames in Streamlit are

DT in R#

The R package DT is a wrapper for DataTables that you can use both in R notebooks and R Shiny applications.


D-Tale lets you explore your Python DataFrames in the browser, using a local server.