Who am I

Marc Wouts

Why Jupytext?

Jupyter Notebooks are great!

But .ipynb files have a few limitations:

  • You can only edit them in Jupyter (1)
  • They are not so well suited for version control (2), (3)

(1) Well, this is changing, see Jupyter Notebooks in the IDE: VS Code versus PyCharm
(2) Too large, mix user inputs with programmatic outputs
(3) JSON is hard to merge

The idea behind Jupytext

  • Keep using Jupyter Notebooks!
  • Store them in a format that makes sense outside of Jupyter

Formats supported by Jupytext:

  • Scripts (Julia, Python, R,...)
  • Markdown files

Installing Jupytext

pip install jupytext or conda install jupytext -c conda-forge

Restart Jupyter... and text files become notebooks!

Before After

Using text notebooks


  • example.py has a notebook icon! Open it as a notebook.
  • Set the appropriate kernel and run the notebook
  • Modify the file in Jupyter, save, and see the change on the script
  • Modify the script in a text editor (1), and reload it in Jupyter:
    • Inputs are updated
    • Outputs are gone (2)
    • Python variables are still there
  • Add the kernel to the .py file with the Include Metadata command

(1) If your edit takes more than 2 minutes, answer 'Reload' to the message in Jupyter telling you that the notebook has changed on disk, and consider a) turning the Jupyter autosave off or b) closing the notebook while you edit the text file
(2) To be solved at the next slide

Paired notebooks

Text notebooks with persistent outputs!

The notebook is saved to an .ipynb and a .py file.

Outputs are loaded from the .ipynb file, and inputs are
taken from the .py file if present.

Paired notebooks are robust. You can delete any file in the pair.
Share only one file, the other one will be recreated.

How to pair notebooks

Pairing an individual notebook in Jupyter

Jupyter Lab Jupyter Notebook

Pairing notebooks globally using a configuration file

Create a jupytext.toml file with this content:

default_jupytext_formats = ipynb,py:percent

You can also pair in different subfolders:

default_jupytext_formats = notebooks///ipynb,scripts///py:percent

Jupytext at the command line

Notebook to text

jupytext --to markdown notebook.ipynb
jupytext --to script notebook.ipynb

Text to notebook

jupytext --to notebook notebook.py
jupytext --to notebook notebook.md

Text to notebook & preserve outputs

jupytext --to notebook --update notebook.py
jupytext --to notebook --update notebook.md

Pair notebooks

jupytext --set-formats ipynb,py:percent notebook.ipynb

Synchronize paired notebooks

jupytext --sync notebook.ipynb

What can I do with Jupytext?

Version control

Jupytext formats are concise and have clean diffs

Merge notebooks

.py and .md files are easy to merge - unlike .ipynb (JSON)

Write notebooks

  • Copy/paste content from other notebooks
  • Edit your notebook in your favorite text editor
  • Or in Jupyter!

Search in notebooks

Easily find all the references to a function or a dataset
within your notebooks!

Refactor your notebooks into libraries

Access to your notebooks as scripts, and refactor them:

  • move your code into libraries
  • document & test it!

Code style and checks

You like to apply flake8, black, isort on scripts?
Jupytext let you do the same on notebooks:

jupytext --pipe black notebook.ipynb

Why so many Jupytext formats?

Because you can do different things with them!

Notebook content You want? Recommended format Compatible with
Mostly code A simple script py:light Everything
A notebook-like script py:percent VS Code, PyCharm Pro, Spyder, Hydrogen, PTVS
Text & code Render the .md on GitHub md:markdown VS Code, PyCharm, GitHub, ...
Write a book (cross references, biblio) md:myst Jupyter Book
Edit a notebook in Jupyter & RStudio Rmd RStudio, knitr, bookdown

Awesome projects that use Jupytext

Jupyter Book

Write a book made of notebooks


Plotly.py's documentation is a collection of Jupytext Markdown Notebooks.
Read or edit them directly on GitHub!

AI Habitat

Lint notebooks with isort and black in a pre-commit hook

See you on GitHub

GitHub stars GitHub contributors

codecov.io Language grade: Python GitHub language count

License: MIT Conda Version Pypi pyversions

Follow me on Twitter @marcwouts or on Medium @marc.wouts