HTML export#
To get the HTML representation of a Pandas DataFrame df
as an interactive DataTable, you can use to_html_datatable
as below:
from IPython.display import HTML, display
from itables import to_html_datatable
from itables.sample_dfs import get_countries
df = get_countries(html=False)
html = to_html_datatable(df.head(3), display_logo_when_loading=False)
You can then save the html
variable to a text file (note: if you’re writing an HTML application, you could consider using Shiny or Streamlit instead), or print it:
<table id="itables_0642be70_4881_4d4d_9835_350ca23dfe64" class="display nowrap" data-quarto-disable-processing="true" style="table-layout:auto;width:auto;margin:auto;caption-side:bottom">
<tr style="text-align: right;">
<td style="vertical-align:middle; text-align:left">
Loading ITables v2.3.0-dev from the internet...
(need <a href=>help</a>?)</td>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script type="module">
import {DataTable, jQuery as $} from '';
document.querySelectorAll("#itables_0642be70_4881_4d4d_9835_350ca23dfe64:not(.dataTable)").forEach(table => {
if (!(table instanceof HTMLTableElement))
// Define the table data
const data = [["AW", "Latin America & Caribbean ", "Aruba", "Oranjestad", -70.0167, 12.5167], ["AF", "South Asia", "Afghanistan", "Kabul", 69.1761, 34.5228], ["AO", "Sub-Saharan Africa ", "Angola", "Luanda", 13.242, -8.81155]];
// Define the dt_args
let dt_args = {"layout": {"topStart": null, "topEnd": null, "bottomStart": null, "bottomEnd": null}, "order": [], "warn_on_selected_rows_not_rendered": true};
dt_args["data"] = data;
new DataTable(table, dt_args);
or display it, like show
region | country | capital | longitude | latitude | |
code | |||||
Loading ITables v2.3.0-dev from the internet... (need help?) |