
ITables includes a Dash component since v2.3.0.

Displaying a DataFrame#

If you wish to display a DataFrame which content is fixed (not reacting to the other controls in the application), you just need to import ITable from itables.dash and add it to your layout like here:

from dash import Dash, html

from itables.dash import ITable
from itables.sample_dfs import get_countries

app = Dash(__name__)

df = get_countries(html=False)

app.layout = html.Div(
        html.H1("ITables in a Dash application"),
        ITable(id="my_dataframe", df=df, caption="A DataFrame displayed with ITables"),

if __name__ == "__main__":

Selected rows#

Listening to the selected rows is simply done by adding select=True to the ITable call, and then implementing a callback on Input("my_dataframe", "selected_rows").

from dash import Dash, Input, Output, callback, html

from itables.dash import ITable
from itables.sample_dfs import get_countries

app = Dash(__name__)

df = get_countries(html=False)

app.layout = html.Div(
        html.H1("ITables in a Dash application"),
            caption="A DataFrame displayed with ITables",

    Output("output", "children"),
    Input("my_dataframe", "selected_rows"),
def show_selection(selected_rows):
    return f"Selected rows: {selected_rows}"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Updating the DataFrame#

The ITable fonction returns an ITableComponent that has many properties. These properties (data, columns, selected rows etc) need to be updated in a consistent way. Therefore we recommend that you list the outputs with ITableOutputs("my_dataframe") in your callback, and update them with updated_itable_outputs which takes the same arguments as show, e.g. df, caption,selected_rows, etc, like in the below (extracted from this example app):

from itables.dash import ITable, ITableOutputs, updated_itable_outputs

# (...)

        Input("checklist", "value"),
        Input("caption", "value"),
        State("my_dataframe", "selected_rows"),
        State("my_dataframe", "dt_args"),
def update_table(checklist, caption, selected_rows, dt_args):
    if checklist is None:
        checklist = []

    kwargs = {}

    # When df=None and when the dt_args don't change, the table is not updated
    if callback_context.triggered_id == "checklist":
        kwargs["df"] = get_countries(html="HTML" in checklist)

    kwargs["select"] = "Select" in checklist
    if "Buttons" in checklist:
        kwargs["buttons"] = ["copyHtml5", "csvHtml5", "excelHtml5"]

    return updated_itable_outputs(
        caption=caption, selected_rows=selected_rows, current_dt_args=dt_args, **kwargs


Compared to show, the ITable component has the same limitations as the Jupyter Widget or the Streamlit component, e.g. structured headers are not available, you can’t pass JavaScript callback, etc.