Table Style and CSS#
As usual, we initialize ITables with init_notebook_mode
, and we create two sample DataFrames:
Show code cell source
import pandas as pd
import itables.options as opt
from itables import init_notebook_mode, show
from itables.sample_dfs import get_countries
df = get_countries(html=False)
df_small = pd.DataFrame({"a": [2, 1]})
Select how your table looks like with the classes
argument (defaults to "display nowrap"
) of the show
function, or by changing itables.options.classes
Add "compact"
if you want a denser table:
show(df, classes="display nowrap compact")
Remove "nowrap"
if you want the cell content to be wrapped:
show(df, classes="display")
More options like "cell-border"
are available:
show(df, classes="display nowrap cell-border")
You can use CSS to alter how the interactive DataTables are rendered.
For instance, we change the font size for all the tables in the document with this code:
from IPython.display import HTML, display
css = """
.dt-container {
font-size: small;
display(HTML(f"<style>{css}</style>" ""))
This is helpful for instance in the context of Quarto presentations.
With this over CSS, we change every datatable table header in the notebook to bold/italic.
css = """
.dataTable th {
font-weight: bolder;
font-style: italic;
display(HTML(f"<style>{css}</style>" ""))
You might also want to alter the style of specific tables only. To do this, add a new class to the target tables, as in the example below:
class_specific_css = ".table_with_monospace_font { font-family: courier, monospace }"
display(HTML(f"<style>{class_specific_css}</style>" ""))
show(df, classes="display nowrap table_with_monospace_font")
The style argument#
The show
function has a style
argument that determines the
style for that particular table.
The default value for style
is "table-layout:auto;width:auto;margin:auto;caption-side:bottom"
Without width:auto
, tables with few columns are stretched to fit the container width.
Using margin:auto
makes non-wide tables centered.
Position and width#
You can set a specific width or position for a table using with the style
argument of the show function:
show(df_small, style="table-layout:auto;width:50%;float:right")
or you can also change it for all tables by changing
import itables.options as opt = "table-layout:auto;width:auto"
For ajusting the height of a table, see the section on pagination.
Column width#
The columnDefs.width
argument let you adjust the column widths.
Note that the default value of style
, or of autoWidth
(defaults to True
), might override custom column widths,
so you might have to change their values as in the examples below.
You can set a fixed width for all the columns with "targets": "_all"
columnDefs=[{"width": "120px", "targets": "_all"}],
You can also adjust the width of selected columns only:
columnDefs=[{"width": "30%", "targets": [2, 3]}],
If you wish you can also set a value for columnDefs
permanently in itables.options
as demonstrated in the cell alignment example below.
Cell alignment#
You can use the DataTables cell classes like dt-left
, dt-center
, dt-right
etc. to set the cell alignment. Specify it for one table by using the columnDefs
argument of show
show(df, columnDefs=[{"className": "dt-center", "targets": "_all"}])
or globally by setting opt.columnDefs
opt.columnDefs = [{"className": "dt-center", "targets": "_all"}]